Government funded security courses throughout Queensland (including remote communities).   * * * *  E N R O L   N O W  * * * *   View over 1500 student photographs taken during training in over 44 Queensland locations  * * * * V I E W   G A L L E R Y  * * * * 

About Us

Bars Training Australia is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of committed, professional trainers utilising a wide range of experience to specialise in Bouncer And Responsible Service (BARS) training throughout Australia.

This team is led by its Director, Garry Oliver, who served over 24 years in operational policing with the Queensland Police Service reaching the rank of Senior Sergeant in charge of police operations at Fortitude Valley, now having over 39 years policing, security and liquor licensing experience. 

For the last 9 years of his police service, Garry coordinated up to 7 agencies specialising in the development and maintenance of harm reduction. Garry was the original founder of the Liquor Enforcement and Proactive Strategies (LEAPS) process that forms a part of the Brisbane City 17 Point Safety Action Plan, now implemented throughout Queensland, lecturing on these strategies to health and enforcement agencies throughout Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Since leaving the Queensland Police Service, Garry has been the compliance manager for the Recreational Tourism Group that owns and operates the Base Backpack Group and Nomads World (the sixth largest backpacker group in the world). 

Garry has been the Event Manager for the Full Moon Events for over 12 years, as well as other major events including the Magic Millions Race Day, Bondstock Music Festival and the Dalby Picnic Day Races. He is currently a licensed crowd controller, bodyguard, security guard, security advisor, private investigator and approved manager under the Liquor Act 1992, serving as a first aid medic at a number of large concerts and major events throughout Queensland. 

Garry currently holds the following educations qualifications at Diploma level.

  • Diploma of Government Investigations;
  • Diploma of Work Health and Safety;
  • Diploma of Security and Risk Management;
  • Diploma of Public Safety (Policing);
  • Diploma of Justice Administration; and
  • Diploma of Business

Garry is currently a National Director of the Security Providers Association of Australia (SPAAL) (appointed 2010) and has served as national president for 3 years. He has also been called before the Queensland Parliament as a security expert in tackling alcohol related violence, and has been an active board member of the following National and State organisations / committees.

*  Security Advisory Board - Job Queensland

*  National Comittee of Industry Leaders

*  Australasian Council of Security Professionals

*  Combined Industry Advisory Committee - Nationally

*  Queensland Attorney General Industry Advisory Committe

*  Standards Australia - Nationally

*  Security Industry Advisory Council of Victoria

BARS Training Australia along with its associated business partners aims to assist the security and hospitality industreies by providing them with a range of training and consulting solutions necessary to promotoe and develop the skills of staff.  These skills will assist supervisors and management in providing advice to the Committees, Boards, owners and Managers in ways to improve the quality of their services on offer to customers.

In better meeting the needs of customers, re-skilled or up-skilled staff will enhance their operations’ competitiveness, creating a positive environment for the adaptation of change, reducing stress levels and improving communication and motivation.  All of which will provide a better understanding of the needs of the industry for the future and will result in an improved bottom line performance.

Our facilitation style focuses on communicating information that can be utilised in “real life” situations.  Our students graduate with an exceptional knowledge of security and hospitality practices, with confidence in their decision-making and ability to optimise their skills.

BARS Training Australia has the physical resources and appropriate technologies in a number of locations throughout Queensland to deliver training to ensure the following criteria is met:

*  Cover the range and level of skills development required to achieve the qualification.

*  Consider issues of quality and quantity to allow for repetitive practice

*  Be comparable to resources encountered in industry

*  Be up-to-date or allow transference of principles

*  Allow for achievement of technical competence

*  Meet the specific requirements of each unit of competence

The one saying that BARS Training Australia facilitators don't agree with, "If you can't do - you teach".  All BARS facilitators are working within industry and are required to successfully complete professional development programs to ensure they are up-to-date with all current industry requirements.

Our facilitators across Queensland, own and operate security companies, are hotel managers, leading liquor and security consultants, correctional officers, event managers and even sit on the executive board of Security Providers Association of Australia. It our job to know what we are talking about and pass that knowledge onto our students in the most practical way possible - a job we do second to none.